Everything You Need to Know About  Telling if Your Coil or Pod is Burnt

Everything You Need to Know About Telling if Your Coil or Pod is Burnt

Today we’re going to be taking a deep dive on one of the most common vape questions, when do I change my coil or pod?

This is by far one of the most asked questions and for every person will vary based on the type of liquid you use, what type of vaper you and and how often you use your device. However there are some key signs that it’s time to change your coil or pod!


One of the easiest ways to tell it’s time to change your coil will be by taste. If you start noticing a muted or burnt taste it’s time to change your coil. Often it will taste like burnt cotton (think of the taste of a burnt marshmallow) and smell burnt as well.


As the cotton in your coil or pod starts to burn out you may notice more spit-back. This happens because there is less cotton to absorb your e-liquid causing it to flood the coil meaning you end up with liquid in your mouth.


Take a look at your coil or pod! Is the visible cotton turning brown or black? Furthermore, if you notice your clear or relatively clear liquid looking darker this is a sign of a burnt coil. 


Most coils or pods will last an average of seven to twelve days, sometimes two to three weeks with light usage. As a rule of thumb, it's best to make sure you change your coil after a month as over time dust and debris can get into your coil.


No two people have the same vaping style so there isn't a one fits all answer to the question of when to change your coil or pod, but by knowing the right signs you’ll be able to make an informed decision when it’s time to change your coil or pod!



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